New York’s regions offer ideal locations for your business as well as unparalleled quality of life. If You're thinking about moving or expanding your business to upstate New York, we can help!
Regional Demographics
Upstate New York has something for everyone. From sophisticated urban areas to high-tech research parks, from busy retail centers to rural industrial tracts, we have the right kind of space that your business needs. Plus - the geography of upstate New York affords superb lifestyle and recreational opportunities. Outdoor enthusiasts enjoy 46 high peaks; thousands of ponds, lakes and streams; numerous golf courses and ski resorts; wildlife preserves; camping grounds and historical sites; the majesty of the Adirondack Mountains and the breathtaking beauty of Niagara Falls.
For eight years in a row, New York State has ranked among the top 10 states in the nation in new business facilities and expansions, according to Site Selection magazine. In 2002, New York State ranked third with 812 facilities. By comparison, in 1994, New York ranked 20th with 75 facilities.
New York State ranks second in the number of high-tech establishments (16,700), third in the nation in high technology employment (364,887), third in high-tech payroll ($25.8 billion) and fourth in venture capital invested ($2.2 billion).
gross state product
Our GSP is about $800 billion a year, making New York one of the world's biggest economies.
fortune 500 companies
There are 52 Fortune 500 companies headquartered in New York State, which ranks second nationwide after California.
international investment
From 1993 to 2000, New York State's share of gross property, plant and equipment of foreign affiliates rose 50%, from $47.8 billion in 1993 to $71.7 billion in 2000. For this international investment level, New York State ranks third in the nation, after California and Texas.
new york merchandise exports
New York State’s $37 billion worth of merchandise exports accounts for 5.3% of U.S. total exports, earning the state a third place ranking after Texas and California.
Thinking about moving or expanding your business to upstate New York? We can help!
As you make your decision, take a look at the list of available sites and buildings located throughout NYSEG and RG&E's 53-county service area on NY Site Finders. Search for sites and buildings that are in Empire Zones, are part of Build-Now NY (Shovel Ready), or even have rail service or fiber optic capabilities.
For additional information, contact our Economic Development team at 800.456.5153. We provide comprehensive and confidential services that make transitions into upstate New York easy.